Sports Injury

While it isn’t uncommon for people to think of chiropractors after a back injury, we actually study the entire musculoskeletal system, meaning all of the moving parts. This makes a sports injury chiropractor an excellent resource for treating any problems caused by living the athletic life. Dr. Jennifer Hanson, of Meyer Chiropractic, would like to help you know what services we can perform for Stillwater, Oklahoma, area sports injuries.

Sports Injury Chiropractor

It doesn’t take much to injure the body, especially in high-impact sports such as football and hockey. 

Virtually any blunt impact trauma will rattle the vertebrae, creating the potential for spinal misalignment. This can also happen to the other joints in the body. Extremities can also incur misalignments and the neck can suffer whiplash. Fortunately, these are all within the expertise of chiropractic care.

Chiropractic Adjustments

If a joint is not in its natural place, a chiropractor can manually adjust it back into position.

This is particularly common for the spine as the vertebrae can easily become misaligned, but can also be done for the shoulders and knees.

Physical/Massage Therapy

Range of mobility is important. An injury can result in loss of some of the use of the injured body part. Even if not directly from the injury, loss of use during the initial recovery may also occur. Strength training, stretches, and mobility exercises are used to help restore an injured body part to its pre-injury condition. 

Massage Therapy helps to sooth the muscle aches that can occur as a part of the healing process. It improves circulation as well as reduces inflammation and tenderness, all of which speeds up recovery.

Electric Stimulation Therapy

We offer electrical muscle stimulation to reduce pain, swelling, and recovery time of an injury. This works well for minor injuries, spasms, and post-workout recovery.

Graston Technique

The Graston Technique is a specialized procedure that gently scrapes the skin and stretches connective tissue to rearrange the soft tissue to improve the flexibility reduced by thick scar tissue.

If you are hurt and are seeking a sports injury chiropractor, look no further. Call 405-372-6919 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jennifer Hanson and learn how the team at Meyer Chiropractic can help you on your path to wellness!

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